Smart Containers for Quick Service Restaurant Logistics

Preventing food-borne illness outbreaks for Quick Service Restaurants
by detecting VOCs given off by pathogens

Taking the Blame

Quick Service Restaurants are some of the most successful actors in the food industry. Franchising is their great strength, but also their weakness. It is difficult for franchising organizations to control safety standards across their thousands of franchisees. However, when a food contamination outbreak occurs, the franchising organization takes all the blame.


Food-Born Illness Outbreaks

Smart Containers for QSR allows businesses to remotely monitor the presence of VOCs from anywhere in the world. Our network of sensors and proprietary algorithms detect and differentiate between the VOCs emitted from normal spoilage and those emitted from food-porn pathogens.

Talk To Us

We’d love to discuss what we can do you for your business.

Each partner has different needs, to which we can offer unique solutions.